Choose Us When You Need Oriental Rug Restoration

If you've been looking for experts who can execute rug restoration for you, then consider your search over. Our team has been delivering expert rug restoration work to oriental rug owners for years, and these days we are still sought because we can deliver a wide range of rug restoration services. For a long time, our oriental rug cleaning experts were hired for their cleaning expertise, but these days we are just as preferred for our rug restoration skills.
We’ll handle your rug with care throughout the restoration process, and when you get it back from us you’ll remark that it looks like a million bucks. We want to bring your rug back to the state it used to enjoy in its glory days, and we have all the tools, know-how, and materials necessary to make this happen. Whether you need rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, or rug fringing, we can be there to help you. Our technicians have been doing restoration work since we first opened our doors, and with them you’ll never have to worry about your rug getting damaged.


How Your Rugs Can Benefit From Rug Recoloring

If you need rug recoloring, our team is the one you need to contact. Our rug recoloring experts have been doing this kind of work for several years, and they are meticulous and detailed. If you want to reverse the fading process, then rug recoloring is what you need. You won’t have to worry about rug dye running or your oriental rug’s unique pattern being screwed up. When we are done with recoloring, you'll think that your rug was just purchased the other day.

When Rug Reweaving Is Absolutely Necessary

If you need rug reweaving, we will be there for you. Our rug reweaving service is often sought by oriental rug owners, Persian rug owners, Moroccan rug owners, and those who own rugs that have been damaged by insects like moths. When your rug starts to unravel, this can be bad. But all you have to do is get in touch with us. We’ll stop the degradation process in its tracks so your rug doesn't have to meet an untimely end.

Choose Us When You Need Rug Binding

Rug binding is a service that can save you from putting a beloved rug out in the trash. We’ll bind your rug with either binding tape or a special sewing machine. We’ll always pursue the binding method that is best for your rug. When we're done with binding, your rug will be sturdy for years to come.

We Can Deliver Rug Fringing For Clients

We can help you when you need rug fringing. A fringe is arguably the most important part of a rug, so when this gets damaged, it won't be long before the rest of the rug gets ruined along with it. We can make sure that the fringe is intact, and when this is the case your rug will be sound. Fringing will not only make your rug sturdy but visually attractive as well.